I, Daniel Blake: blog tasks

 1) What is independent cinema and how is it different to Hollywood blockbusters?

independent cinema has lower budgets and the actors are less know. However, indie films are more about the directors vision instead of cash grabs like big Hollywood films.

2) What is I, Daniel Blake about?

the movie is about a older carpenter named Daniel Blake and hes struggling with the government when it concerns him receiving benefits because he has gone through a major heart attack. However, Daniel Blake helps a young woman who has two children.

3) Who directed I, Daniel Blake and why is this important?

Ken Loach directed I, Daniel Blake. This is important because Ken laoch is a big independent director and hes been one of 50 years. On top of this Ken laochs films are very political just like  I, Daniel Blake.

4) How was I, Daniel Blake promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign and how they targeted their audience.

projecting the name of the movie on the houses of parliament.
people got to see the movie in  New castle. 
projection of a quote form the movie on the sides of buildings for people too see. 

5) What unusual or creative marketing methods were used to get audiences talking about the film? 
the film was advertised using disruptive marketing.

