Audience Effects Theory

 The definition of a passive audience is a audience that is a exposed to the media and does not actively engage 

The definition of a active audience is a audience that is engaging, interpreting, and responding to media messages and are able to question the message

 hypodermic needle theory is the theory that the media injects information into the minds of people and they will believe it 

INFORMATION/SURVEILLANCE: blue plant is a example of this because the main reason for watching it is too learn about  ocean life 

PERSONAL IDENTITY: Instagram is a example of this because the purpose  of it is too see the lives of others and so naturally people will form connections with other people 

DIVERSION/ENTERTAINMENT: video games are an amazing example of this because people live sad, boring and pitiful lives and so they use video games as a form of escapism and too give themselves a sense of accomplishment 


5) Re-watch the clip from Blue Planet above and write a paragraph analysing how elements of the clip offer the audience pleasures or gratifications (use media terminology from Uses and Gratifications theory and the 3 Vs - notes outlined above). 

the blue planet gives gratification via information/surveillance this is because the main reason people watch blue planet is to learn about the ocean life on top of this people also build a scene of connection with narrator and a scene of belonging on the other hand it also distracts you from your daily life and provides escapism.         
