Language and Representation: blog tasks

 1) Write a summary of the notes from our in-class analysis of the episode. You can use your own notes from the screening in class or this Google document of class notes (you'll need your GHS Google login). 

Camerawork and sound: clunky and slow camera work 


Narrative and genre:

2) How can we apply narrative theories to this episode of  Doctor Who

Todorov's Equilibrium: 

Propp's character theory: the male teacher plays the role of the hero and the female one plays as the helper whilst Dr.Who plays the part of the villain  

Barthes's enigma and action codes: there are many enigma codes for example the mystery of where susan lives and how she is so smart. furthermore, when the TARDIS takes off that is both a enigma code and a action code.

Levi-Strauss's binary opposition: there is opposition between young and old all through out the episode. for example Susan knowns more than the older teachers.

3) In your opinion, what is the most important scene in the episode and why?

in my opinion the most important scene is when the TARDIS takes off because it leaves on a cliff hanger leaving the audience wanting to know more and is and interesting scene to watch.

4) What genre is An Unearthly Child and how can you tell? Make specific reference to aspects of the episode.

I can tell that  An Unearthly Child is science fiction because of the the mention of multiple dimensions also the look of the TARDIS and how it can "move anywhere in time and space" 

5) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical contexts of the 1960s?

the episode shows how England was still using shillings and how at the time the space race was relevant


