Heat case study: blog tasks

 Introduction - Heat Media pack

1) Look at the Heat Media Pack. Go to page 2: the Heat mission. Write three things that Heat offers its readers under 'print'.

"a truly unique, quality experience" "A-list access shoots no other magazine could pull off "

"to give readers the exclusive every time."

2) Now go to page 3 of the Media Pack - celebrity focus. What does the page say that Heat offers readers?

. "We ensure heat readers are always in the know and give them conversation-"

"Our journalists have the answers to the questions"

"we help celebrities to talk about their biggest secrets and we find the funny, wherever it’s hiding."

3) Now look at page 4 of the Heat Media Pack. What other content does Heat magazine offer its readers aside from celebrity news?

"extensive and highly credible entertainment"

"let readers know the hottest things to watch on TV, the most exciting upcoming movies"

"keeps our readers’ week action-packed from start to finish."

4) Look at page 5. What is Heat magazine's audience profile? Write all the key details of their audience here. 

FEMALE/MALE: 90% / 10%                         SEGMENT: 50% ABC1

AVG AGE: 37                                                 MARITAL STATUS: 57% MARRIED


the majority of their audience are females. this tells us that they're more likely to cater towards their female audience and provide entertainment for them.

Media language

1) How are the cover lines written to make the audience want to buy the magazine?

big yellow writing to stand out and grab attention. also they use sans serif text to appear more up to date and modern as well as serif text to appear classy as well.

2) What are the connotations of the Heat colour scheme on this particular front cover?

 pink,white and yellow are used to appeal to the audience. pink is traditionally seen as a feminine colour and seeing how their audience is 90% women they are associating colours with the audience. yellow is used as a bright eye catcher for people to see and hopefully buy the magazine. white is more of a plane text colour but the connotations of white are  light and purity as well as the upper class. 

3) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. paparazzi images or aspects of mise-en-scene such props, costume, make-up, body position, facial expression etc.)

firstly the magazine uses paparazzi shots to make the celebrities more like common people, heavily contrasting what we normally see day to day. typically we see celebrities as perfect, they have all the make up and lighting they need but here they look more normal.secondly they have the pictures overlapping creating a sort of mesh of stories and it creates this affect of endless stories to see. for my final point they use actors facial expression to create interest. for example. when harry is looking down and you cant see his face well you are interested because you want to know what happened. this paired with the text which only gives you a slight amount of the full picture peaks your interest.

4) What differences can you find between the use of design and typography between Tatler and Heat? List at least three differences and explain the effect on audiences.     
