Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor: Blog tasks


1) What do we know about the Arctic Monkeys audience? Think demographics, psychographics and how they got into the band.

the main audience of arctic monkeys are young white British males who are indie rock fans.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor?
personal relationships: bands first music video. Older fans will recognise the 80s Tv music shows that it was based on.

3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to Arctic Monkeys fans. Why did you choose those moments?

4) How did fans take a leading role in making Arctic Monkeys famous back in 2005?

fans would upload music from the band onto the internet as well as talk about the band.

5) How are fans positioned to respond to the band? What does Arctic Monkeys want fans to think about their video?

arctic monkeys want their older fans to remember the older feel and they do this with both the camera and the costumes. the camera is an old 80s camera and they use it to get the desired effect. secondly the costumes are very casual and are something everyone would wear. the music of the video talks about the lifestyle most university students were living.

Arctic Monkeys: Industry

1) How did the Arctic Monkeys first achieve success and build up their fanbase?

they used to play at pubs and after the gigs they would hand out free CDs in hopes that their fans would upload the music onto the internet.

2) Why was P2P file sharing and MySpace an unexpected aspect to Arctic Monkeys' early success?

fans would upload and spread awareness of the band.thus attracting more consumers via word of mouth advertising.

3) How does the rise of Arctic Monkeys differ from how BLACKPINK were formed and became famous?

  arctic monkeys would first start playing at local pubs and small gigs whilst handing out free CDs and their fans would upload these CDs onto the internet until eventually they sighed with a small independent record company: Domino records. Contrasting this is the rise of BLACKPINK which is a manufactured band with high budget and corporate sponsors on top of this they had a huge amount of advertising. However, they are unable to write their own songs unlike the thoughtful songs of arctic monkeys which in their first songs the lyrics reflected their fans life style.

4) Who is Arctic Monkeys record label and how many copies did they sell of their debut album? Why did they choose an independent record label?

Arctic monkeys sighed with Domino records and they sold 360,000 records  in the first week. the reason they chose the company is because of the creative freedom writing their songs.

5) Looking at the wider music industry, has the internet been a positive or negative development for record companies and artists? Why?

in my opinion i would say that the introduction of the internet was a positive influence on the music industry and artists with the introduction of streaming music videos would allow artists to have a much wider audience which allows them to have fans on the other side of the world and the use of the internet provides more marketing possibility's.       
